The Rock Read online

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different forms of carbon. Estimates are the precise core of the planetoid would hold the most highly formed diamonds."

  "How big is the rock now, Jihon?" Aya asked.

  "Diameter is now 504 kims. Estimates are that if you are only interested in the high grade diamonds, we will be required to fire upon the planetoid using the Tachyon Fusion cannon."

  "Then do it, Jihon." S'Hara said.

  "Order acknowledged. Please stand by for power build-up and charge reversal."

  A deep throbbing sound echoed through the ship, and the walls suddenly came alive with brilliant yellow points of light flowing from the engineering section through to the tip of the vessel. "Charge reversal complete. Systems configured for fusion trigger. Thermal absorbers are in place. Secure for reaction."

  The throbbing built up until it was a low hum, then it suddenly rose in pitch rapidly and quickly went off the scale of human hearing. A second later, they were all thrown forward in their restraints as the ship's most devastating weapon fired. All power dimmed as the ship's capacitors began to recharge and rebuild reserves.

  "Shields are in place and at full strength. Weapon impact has occurred, dust had occluded impact site."

  "What is the planetoid's diameter now?" S'Hara asked Jihon.

  "No noticeable change. Weapon had attempted to shear off a portion of the planetoid to expose the core. First attempt was partially successful. Fracture lines are now in evidence to sensors."

  "Not in the pure diamonds, I hope." S'Hara said.

  "Unable to scan fracture lines at that depth. Estimates are negative for damage to core at this point. Power has returned to normal levels. Do you wish me to fire again?"

  "Please continue, Jihon." S'Hara said.

  "Stand by. Weapon charging. Weapon discharging." Another violent backward surge threw them against their restraints. Seconds later, "Planetary breakup. Shields at full and in place. Impact from asteroid material in six seconds. Brace for possible impact. Lances are firing."

  A series of soft whirring sounds indicated the ship's main offensive weapons were at work, blowing or diverting asteroid material from the ship. When it was all over, the ship was unscathed, and they had maneuvered to within a hundred mets of an oval rock eighty kims in diameter, very clear and virtually transparent. Almost pure diamond.

  A belated cheer rose as the ship's sensors indicated the absolute purity of the planetoid's core. This diamond was more pure than what could be made by microgravity manufacture, and was worth billions to the right buyers.

  "Idova, you said you built houses, correct?"

  The K'traan nodded.

  "Ok, then you can lead. Go out there and cut blocks out of that rock so we can sell them. Aya, do you think you are up to the task of helping Idova?"

  "It means I have to wear a suit again, doesn't it?"

  "'Afraid so." S'Hara replied.

  Aya sighed, then stood up. "Yes. I'm ready. Lead on."

  "Willem, suit up and depressurize the cargo hold. Then assist them in the operation." He nodded and followed the receding figures of Idova and Aya out the bridge door.

  "Jihon, I want constant monitoring of everyone's life signs."

  "Commencing biological sensor sweeps."

  "Oh, and Jihon. Prepare a stake claim for me to fill out. I want this rock. It owes us."

  "Understood. Preparing form."

  Idova floated a few mets away from the huge rock. Stabs of blue energy leapt from her head to strike deep within the rock. Cubes of diamond, two cubic mets each, began to float free, and Aya quickly attached cables and signaled for Willem to begin drawing the cubes in.

  He piloted the Alkadia out of the Rebel's Cause boat bay, loaded it with over three hundred cubic mets of diamond, then instructing it's computer to follow the Rebel's Cause, he began to load the larger ship's primary boat bay with diamond. four thousand cubic mets of pure, ultra-high grade diamond. After this had been done, he then loaded up the normal cargo bays with diamond cubes, until the ship began to resemble some exotic glass display museum.

  A few days passed while this had been occurring. And they finally wrapped up. The big rock had barely been touched, overall, only a scratch on it's eighty kilometer diameter surface. As Aya and Willem finished securing the new cargo, Idova vanished for a short period of time, telling them she was just going to ensure the mining site was safe and cleared. She returned about ten minutes later, and went through the airlock with her tools and equipment attached to her suit. Swiftly unsuiting, she headed back to her quarters, carrying an odd glassy smooth object about the length of her forearm.

  Some hours later, Aya wandered down to the main crew quarters and arriving at Idova's door, tapped the call button. The door slid open, revealing Idova, then before Aya could even say anything, slid shut again.

  Taken aback slightly by this, Aya waited in the corridor, tapping her foot in frustration. As she was about to press the call button again, the door slid open. Idova stood in the doorway, grinning like a banshee, with both hands behind her back.

  "What's up?" Aya asked, "What have you done now?"

  Idova brought her hands around to show Aya what she had made. Aya took a sharp breath as she saw the tiny, intricately designed statuette Idova held in her hands.

  "It's beautiful." She said, then leaned forward for a closer look.

  The statuette was just about 60 cems in height, and showed a nude woman reclining back on some rocks, with what looked like waves playing around and partially submerging her lower body. Upon closer inspection, Aya realized the figure was a very good likeness of herself.

  "This is for you. A token of my deep affection and love. It shows the best friend I've had since being taken away from my home so long ago."

  Aya carefully picked up the delicate statuette, and looked at it in wonder. A sudden flood of emotions flowed and waves of images washed over her. They were Idova's feelings for Aya, warm, sensual and very, very loving. The images were of her seen through Idova's eyes. Aya knew what her own reflection looked like but these pictures were more beautiful than she thought she could ever be.

  "I carved it from the largest piece of natural memory crystal I could locate within the core. I found it a few hours after we had started, and had been working on it in secret since then. That is what I went back for." Idova explained.

  "It is beautiful. Thank you greatly for it." She then looked at Idova. "Can I come in?"

  "Of course. My door is never closed to you. Except when I'm trying to surprise you."

  Aya smiled at the comment and glided past and into Idova' spacious quarters. Made by knocking the interior walls out of an entire bank of crew quarters and remodeling the interior, with Jihon's aid, to resemble a K'Traan home. Filed with many flowering plants of various different types drawn from Jihon's genetic memory banks of Taran flora. Sculptures covered the walls and ceiling, giving the illusion that they were not on a star ship, but actually on Idova's home world. Only the subtly shifting gravity distorted the illusion. Aya carefully put the statuette down on a table, then turned to face Idova.

  "I've also got some other gifts for you from our last stop. I was going to give them to you before, but circumstances prevented me from doing so at that time."

  "You don't have to shower me with gifts. I love you for what and who you are. I don't need gifts, even if they are as lovely as that statuette."

  "I know that. But, I like doing this sort of thing. I can afford to, I am paid very well for my services. Normally my people make gifts for each other all the time. If they can't make something, they go to someone who can, and ask them to do it. I am aware that you don't need the gifts, but I love seeing your reactions when I do."

  Aya stepped over to the other woman. "I don't think I've properly thanked you yet for saving me before." She said as she began to remove her ship suit.

  "I don't need thanks for saving you." Idova said as she began to disrobe.

  "I know
." Aya said, stepping out of the unisex clothing. "But, I love seeing your reaction when I do."

  "Jihon, where is Aya? I sent her back to find Idova fifteen minutes ago." S'Hara asked as Willem prepared the linked ships for a warp jump.

  "Aya and Idova are currently indisposed and unable to be disturbed. They are safe and secure."

  "Ah." S'Hara said, then turned to Willem. "We've got a claim to register, Hablis. Let's get the hell out of here."

  The Rebel's Cause accelerated into a Neospace bubble, closely followed by the remotely piloted Alkadia. Within minutes, they had passed out of sensor range of the remnants of the planetoid, and out of the sector, going towards the Center Worlds where they could trade their cargo for supplies and hard currency.

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